Thursday, February 28, 2013

Road Trips

Lately I have been quite busy, granted it may be my own fault. I have been going back and forth to Grand Rapids a lot. The first reason a great friend lives there. The second reason I love the city. Third reason even on the most boring days it beats sitting at home.

Calculated average takes me about 3 hours to get to GR. That may be a fourth reason I go, I honestly love the drive. Living at home with parents and siblings (past) there is a moment you recognize, "why does it seem I'm never alone." With a busy, active household alone time is a precious gem.

So, 3 hours driving in a car without anyone is kind of my own utopia. I get to play my music as loud as I want, I can sing along with every song without embarrassment and I can even talk to myself without the fear of someone hearing me and commenting on my mental stability. (Save yourself from trying to convince me that you haven't talked to yourself)
So I look forward to my roadtrip.
In addition, I am a music listener when I drive. If the radio is not on it drives me nuts. So when I ride with others and they want to talk and turn down the music, I get so antsy.

I'm 100% stubborn and set in my ways.

Lately, I think I enjoy getting out of my hometown due to my job as well. I work as the Senior Sales Executive at my hometown newspaper. Being it is a small town, news travels fast especially working there. So all week I hear about the town drama and being that my job is advertising I go to several local businesses weekly and am constantly working with the community.

I honestly love my hometown, I appreciate the business owners and like working with them. My downfall is when you have already ate at every restuarant in town during the week on lunch breaks, it becomes more of a routine rather than a weekend outing. And to go to the closes city with a mall or different restaurants is an hour drive to get there. So in a round trip I'm already spending 2 hours on the road. What's another hour?

Road trips are a whole different level when traveling with others. The first thing is an intial level of excitement and chatter. Then comes the hungry phase everyone's gotta eat. Then comes the passive quiet phase. Did I mention this all happens within the first hour. So then what do you do? Well, I chose to blog (as in currently on my roadtrip.)
Some play the license plate game, trying to find as many different state plates. When I was younger we would play the alphabet game, which is mainly seeing who can find all the letters in the alphabet first either in license plates, billboards or other road signs.
Fortunately, this car trip is just a short one without any border crossing. The rest of the trip will be an air trip.

This being my first time flying I have already created a thousand different scenarios of what may happen on the flight. I am sure a blog will follow describing my perspective as a first time flyer.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Novel Fantasy Brought to Life

  Frequently, I get wrapped up in book or movie series that mainly focus on fantasy. There are reasons I enjoy stories with vampires, wizards and time lords, because they simply are not real.
  I could watch/read a story focusing on a real life drama about working individuals struggling to survive day to day routines, romances or sicknesses. But why? Life is already stressful, why dwell on that in my free time.
  So I opt to watch/read a fantasy about a sparkling vampire, a witty doctor who time travels and school of extraordinary wizards. I love the idea that there "could be" something so out of this world for these characters to join forces to fight off the evil Lord Voldermort or the Volturi. In Dr. Who's case fighting off everything that could ever be thought possible (really, people with pig heads? Concrete angels coming to life and who really is Boa and why is his enormous face in a tank?).

               .                      Harry Potter

  I began reading Harry Potter when I was in 7th grade. The series grew with my generation a franchise of 7 amazing novels by JK Rowling followed by 8 outstanding films. As I got older I followed the series reading the books as they were released and visiting theatres as the books came to life. The best thing was the series came out with releases being apart by a year and the stories each covered a year of Harry's life. Making my generation literally growing up and reading his first adventures at young ages such as 10 or 11 then finishing the series at ages of 17 or 18 with the main character.
  There was something exciting about knowing one of the new books was going to be on the shelves at midnight and begging my parents to take me to the releases of the new book and of course needing them to buy the novels as well. Waiting in long lines late at night with other crazed fans. Then spending the entire day reading the story because it is so good you can't put the book down. Then the movies began to release about 1 every year and the adventures heightend again seeing commercial previews weeks before. Going with friends and parents to midnight showings in theaters then afterward waiting a few monthes for the DVD release at midnight to get the chance to watch the movie yet again. The series took so long that the first 3 movies I own on VHS then rebought on DVDs and the last movie I own is on bluray.

            .                                Twilight

  The love story of an ordinary human falling in love with the most handsome vampire and his family of animal diet blood drinkers. Is another that created a whirlwind of excitement in the last few years.
  For Twilight I did not know about the books or story until after watching the first movie in theaters and falling in love with the storyline. When I first found out the movie was based on a novel I had to get the book and read. That same weekend I bought, read and finished the first book to the Twilight Saga. I was captivated to read the rest and also go back to the theater and rewatch the movie in a new view of how these characters were portrayed from book to film.
  The series captivated my interest from buying the entire series, movie posters and once again going to midnight movie premieres as the series progressed.
  Maybe it isn't just the thought of a fantasy movie or book that excites me but the thought of a series that can and will possibly hold my interest for 9 years or even just 3 years, rather than a 2 hour movie when after it is finished, that's it and if they do create a sequel we all know they are usually terrible.
  Several other shows such as Vampire Diaries hold the same appreciation due to the series being drawn out week after week waiting for the new episode.
  Simply, I love the anticipation of knowing more is to come and wondering throughout the week, month or year what's coming next.
  If you can find a 2 hour movie that can hold that long term dedication I will definitely be willing to watch the movie or read the book.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Say Vacation

  For the first time I am going on a vacation that is going to be several first time experiences. First, I am going to be flying to Florida. I have never flown, ever. All I can say is I am beyond nervous. Second, I am going on a trip with my best friend, that is not school related or family related. Third, I am going on a trip for an entire week with nothing but the intentions to have a blast and relax, no schedules.
This is going to be a blast though. I love the people I am going with and I know it is going to be anything but stress.
Things that I am excited about, I have heard that you can hear dolphins from the backyard in the channel of the house we rented. Another thing is I am greatful for warm weather, I am sick and tired of being cold here in Michigan.
All in all I believe the trip is going to be excellent.... As long as I don't get sick on the flight.

Family Time

Time for family time.

Sometimes this can become a stressful thing. There are always those moments when you visit family you are not used to conversing with when they ask that dreadful question.

"Do you remember me?"
normal response "Well ya, how are you?"
Truth "Um No!"
Then they proceed to explain how young I was the last time they saw me.

I never want to hurt any feelings or disappoint the parents. But I just need to spill the truth.

Truth is.... I don't remember your name, it isn't because I don't want to remember, or that I am so rude to take the time to remember, but I would like to clarify one simple thing. I have over 70 first cousins on my dads side of the family alone. So once we break down to 2nd and 3rds it just goes down hill from there.  Too many faces. So I am sorry.

But being as tho I am a nice person and wouldn't ever want to be rude I will continue to smile and nod like an idiot at family events.

So sometimes I become shocked at people who know me through my parents. I wish my memories were clearer of all the people I have encountered.

Recently, an old family friend came into my workplace and asked me if I was my parents daughter, when I said yes then she actually said "you look just like your father." Still trying to decide if that's a good thing, being I am a girl and he is a boy. I found this encounter interesting and neat that she knew and remembered me and the fact that I look so much like my dad (apparently) that she could tell from 5 minutes around me is just fascinating.

But, growing up in a small town with a lot of family around the area my entire life and knowing so many people in the community is truly a good thing.

Bucket List

  The common phrase of "kicking the bucket" came across my mind recently, making me think of what are some things that I really want to accomplish in my life. So here it goes.

1. Go underwater in a shark cage to see sharks up close. (yup, no joke. Sharks are my favorite aquatic animal. I have even visited the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga twice in the past 4 years to see sharks.)

2. Travel to another country that is not attached to the United States.

3. Fly in an Airplane. (This has been on my list for several years and will soon be accomplished on an upcoming trip)

4. Attend a concert for a professional musician.

5. Visit New York!

6. Go to Chicago.

7. Drive across the Mackinac Bridge (My parents took me when I was very little but I don't remember it)

8. Paintball fight with friends and family.

9. See a Dolphin.

10. Go Jet Skiing

11. Ice Fish

12. Fly in a helicopter

13. Go whale watching.

14. Donate 10 gallons of blood (Just passed 3 gallons!)

15. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon

Recently Accomplished:
Walk on an ice covered lake (Recently accomplished)
Visit an Aquarium
Go to a Zoo
Ride in a speedboat
Go Camping

That is all I have for now. There is no doubt that I am forgetting something major that I have always wanted to do.

Monday, February 11, 2013


I know right now in this precise moment what I live for. I live for being the best I can be in every situation that I come across. I want to be remembered for not the ego but the time spent loving and caring for the people that enter my life and the actions of positive that I try so hard to influence in others lives. There are many people that have crossed my life path making me who I am for life. Every moment has made me know without a doubt that I walked my path without any regrets. I have seen pain and I have my own scars burned into my heart for life.


That moment when someone tells you "I love you."
That moment when you realize your actions may have saved a life.
That moment when you have showed a young mind positive influences.
That moment you and your best friend laugh for hours over something so ridiculous only they would understand what is so funny. 
That moment when you finally see the impact you have made in other's lives.
That moment when you finally realize your siblings are your friends and not annoying pests.
That moment you fully understand why your parents worry about your safety.
The moment you have seen another loved one become an angel.
The moment that you realize how fast life is passing by.

I vow to be the best daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin and friend I can to the ones I love so they know that I have done everything I could to live a life of happiness without regrets.